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Here's your daily reading from mbg & the Astro Twins for Jun 26, 2020


Here's your daily reading from mbg & the AstroTwins


Today, as the moon in Virgo forms a supportive trine to free-spirited Uranus, you could radically shake up one of your routines. For some Rams, your "routine" might be NOT having a routine at all but rather, an insistence on freestyling everything in your life. If that's the case, consider this: Are you wasting time or leaking energy by refusing to put a structure in place? What's one area of life that constantly frustrates you? Liberate yourself by bringing a little order to that court. Use apps, calendar reminders…or maybe an assistant!


Make way for the muse! A rush of creative ideas flows in as the moon in Virgo and your fifth house of passion forms a supportive trine to renegade Uranus in Taurus. Perhaps you get a lightning-bolt download or creative inspiration, which could evolve into a form of activism. Spontaneity becomes your existential fuel. Pals could pop by to pull you out for a rally, or maybe you bump into someone on the street and you're transported to an afternoon of unexpected bonding. Be flexible with your plans and let the day show YOU what's best.


You could find yourself enjoying a surprise drop-in visit (or a lively video chat) with loved ones, thanks to a free-flowing trine between the moon in Virgo and your cozy fourth house and spontaneous Uranus. Perhaps you'll have an enlightening convo with a family member that resolves years of tension. Or maybe, when reflecting on where you came from, you'll have a life-changing epiphany that relates to current circumstances. Just when you think you have things figured out, the winds of change could sweep you in a new direction. Expect the unexpected!


As the Virgo moon gets swept up by spontaneous Uranus, you could find yourself lifting some social restrictions that you didn't even realize you'd placed on yourself. Maybe you'll blow off work to take an afternoon road trip, or perhaps you'll get a sudden epiphany on how to change your corner of the world. There's no limit to your idealistic visions, especially if you can invite people to share some lively, stimulating input. Don't get too practical too soon. Discuss all possibilities first, then you can whittle down first steps from there.


As the moon in Virgo and your grounded second house forms a supportive trine to free-spirited Uranus, you can dream without losing sight of reality. This heady cosmic combo could lead to all sorts of breakthrough ideas. Keep your phone charged up. You might get an email or phone call from an important colleague out of the blue. Or you could find yourself volunteering to mentor a younger person in a turn of events you hadn't foreseen. Ultimately, a little spontaneity in the moment can give you fuel for more security down the line. When it comes to your financial prospects, a calculated risk can bring reward.


Breaking from routines is never easy, but you can loosen up some self-imposed restrictions today as the Virgo moon tangos with spontaneous Uranus. Where has life become a little too "lather, rinse, repeat" for your liking? Infuse some creativity into the mix by switching up the order and location of the activity and inviting someone new to collaborate. This is not a day to plan every minute, especially when it comes to romance. Go with the flow, and listen to your out-of-the-blue hunches.


You could gain insight into a tender emotional issue today as the moon forms an illuminating flow with inventive Uranus. This free-flowing cosmic combo makes you more objective than usual. In turn, that allows you to pull back and get perspective that you might not have had before. You may surprise yourself by how detached you've become about the issue, but that doesn't mean you don't care. Enjoy the space that is available to finally talk about feelings that had been too intense to broach before.


The social atmosphere takes an exciting turn today as the moon forms a supportive trine to spontaneous Uranus. Perhaps you and a partner decide to spend the afternoon on an impromptu volunteer mission, or you rally a group of friends for an evening barbecue. At work, link up with a razor-sharp creative mind, and you'll blow open the doors to new possibilities. Don't shy away from charged topics. Today you can speak about them objectively and even enjoy a friendly debate.


 At last, Sagittarius, you're feeling charged up about your career again! And thanks to the ambitious Virgo moon making contact with innovative Uranus, you're ready to deploy some ahead-of-the-curve techniques. While everyone else is getting into a Friday groove, you may spend hours tucked away in your workspace, devices in Airplane mode. Just get all those big ideas captured in documents, spreadsheets, sketchbooks, wherever. Try not to scatter your energy by focusing on too many things at once. Set a clear-cut goal and put all your attention there.


Before you've downed your first cup of coffee, you may be feeling restless and ready to explore. And under today's horizon-expanding moon-Uranus trine, a spontaneous trip could be in store. Whether that's a day trip to an area where restrictions have lifted or a longer weekend getaway to visit a friend, you would benefit from a change of scenery. Can't get away? Opinion-poll friends and colleagues who always help you see life from a fresh perspective. One conversation could get stuck energy moving.


Your powers of attraction could draw in someone with resources today as the moon links up with your ruler, Uranus. Think about where something is "missing" from the equation and look at where you might make a bold ask. Could you use funding for a community effort you're backing? Might a friend make an introduction that opens doors for your career? Or the delight could come in an unexpected proposal, perhaps to cohabitate with bae or take the next step in a relationship. Your emotions are your guide, Aquarius. Whether it's family planning, quality time or a passionate Friday evening romp, your walls are coming down. Let them.


Dynamic tension is building in a relationship, and as the moon syncs up with unpredictable Uranus, there could be a happy surprise in store. Don't be enigmatic, Pisces. If you're enjoying the attention that's coming your way, be obvious and reciprocal. Maybe you'll make the first move instead of waiting hopefully for the one you adore to approach. Deep down, you're craving some emotional excitement…so, in whatever form it takes, embrace the serendipity.

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